Friday, November 19, 2010

Some sort of revival

I suppose it's time now that I revive this blog. Whoa it's been over a month. Weather or not I meant it, I kinda disappeared. Lack of revelations and fascinations or maybe just pure laziness got the best of me. Or maybe because I've been in a rhythm of ups and downs. Either way, this is my comeback.


It's so hard to capture in writing all the nuances of poignant little nothings.

I think I made my first enemy here in Hawaii. Haha. She lives a couple of floors above me. She was always kind and nice. She has a little Maltese whom I adore and we were more than cordial up until the day I spat out this big goop of sickness without looking and it landed on her dog. Holy crap I felt so bad, I should've just manned up and apologized but I hid, but she still knows it was me. Common areas are bad, such as the garden - cordial relations get broken in these areas. And in the case of being stuck in the elevator for ten floors with her and the Maltese this afternoon, wow it can get very awkward. SWOOSHH, you can cut the tension with a knife. I think of my dog Jethro every time we cross paths.

I miss Luca too.


It seems that after five months I have finally built relations worth noting in my future autobiography, lol. Not just anecdotes of different characters, but rather worthy interactions and set fondness with several people who tipped the friendship scale. I've enjoyed bonding with my room mates. Far beyond activities such snorkeling are stories shared - experiences, goals, fears, hopes and vulnerabilities have molded them into admirable individuals whom I am fortunate to know. This is Daniel one half of my room mates.


1 comment:

  1. lol. that's a funny spit story. goes in the books! at least you didn't mean it. there's still room for forgiveness.

    i'm glad hawaii and its people are treating you well. we all deserve these new shared experiences. stop being lazy! keep blogging and good luck with the shoot!
