I think I've done a great job keeping things all things chill and nominally professional on this blog. However, right now I am having a Kanye moment so indulge me as I rant...
The ugly part of me shines most when it comes to food. Indecisiveness is a disease! I should've just listened to my inner voice and ordered the damn fried chicken with rice, but no! I had to get all experimental and ordered Thai crispy noodles and spring rolls. Little did I know, them crispy noodles is like eating air. Coupled with the sweet sauce of the the spring rolls, I couldn't help but to get up and order more food. Double stupidity! I still did not get my fried chicken because I just haddd to get the Satay, and after waiting what seemed like a gazillion seconds my appetite is gone. Kaput! Not to mention the Satay sauce was sweet as well, and even worse, peanut buttery. $20 spent, by this time I was not hungry but now fungry and mad at myself for ordering too much. I decided to walk to Safeway to buy bananas and rice. I figured the rice will be the antidote to all the sweetness which I was not feeling, and Bananas are always safe cause it gets me full.
Then comes my laziness. I could not get myself to walk the extra 100 feet and opted to go back up the condo instead. Ah be dumb! I tried eating the Satay again but my taste buds weren't having none of that. The only other thing I had were some cookies from work. Talk about too much sweets. My throat feels icky and I feel like downing a whole can of Epson. Ughhh. Or maybe I'll just down a bottle of Nyquil and knock this less than fulfilling day the eff out.
Oh wait...I think I still have some Ramen noodles. Holy cow!! Hallelujah! My savior is right inside the pantry all along! BRB...
I suppose I am feeling better now. So lets get back to the regular programming...
I like asking every first Friday of the month off. It makes me feel all urban to join the festivities downtown. The bars open up and fancy art galleries try to outdo one another but only to be outdone by the random slew of vendors that showcase more personality in their more affordable trade.
I did not really take that many pictures at night. But during the day I feeling all cinematic and photographed a bunch of random things:
Oh shnapps it's already 9:30, I have to wake up at 7, I must shower now.
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