Monday, March 21, 2011

Ok time to revive

Ok time to revive.

Between tsunami warnings, chi homecoming and a full time design gig there aint been much room to get inspired with writing. Inspiration, after all, is the basis of this blog and without it things have been unchill round here. So many tangents of thoughts and work but no time to put them altogether in a way that makes sense to me. Well, it's gonna be all over the place but here's a go at it...


I've recently added sushi as part of my weekly diet. I suppose it's inevitable cause sushi houses come a dime a dozen round here. They're everywhere, kinda like Duane Reade in Manhattan. Also, I've come to a conclusion that my Nikkormat is gonna be my favorite camera till the end of days. It's sanctuary when I am looking at the world behind it. I can capture quick with it, truest to how I wanna show my intent more than any other tool.


Having said the previous, I am not at all opposed to owning all other forms of photographic toys that I can get my hands on. I've been thoroughly enjoying this awesome Pentax. It has a panoramic option and can go under water among other things. Above is a photo of my room, in which I have been proactively trying to create the feeling of home the last few months. The little brown vertical shelf that sits right next to my headboard is my latest project. In order for me to put up the curtain I first had to deal with the window space that the shelf now covers. I couldn't find the right fit shelf so I got ambitious and created my own shelf. Now it fits perfectly.

foam core

Not to be fooled though, it's made out of foam core and contact paper, it's just for show hahahaha. It weighs about 2lbs. The prototype to the right is also made out of the same material. That one I did for work trying to solve how to merchandise the mini totes. I'm proud of these little suckers cause they be looking real. Even I got fooled...when I dropped one of the "wood" pieces I actually flinched thinking it was gonna hurt once it hit my toes. lmao.


Speaking of work. I have been dipping my hands in all kinds of things. Photography, signage, 3D modeling, prototyping, dot dot dot. I've been so focused on work that I didn't that know I wasn't suppose to come to the office the day of the tsunami watch- not until I realized the bus wasn't running that morning. but i walked to work anyway.


Last month I went back to Chi. It felt good to see the friends and the fam. Such a good time! Weird thing though, I went there thinking I was going home but halfway through being at home I wanted to go back to my other home. It kinda messed with my psyche that I felt what I felt. I naturally belong there, a little too natural. The bar I went to the day after I landed was also the same last bar that I was at before I left. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but as I am writing this a cover of Time After Time by Quietdrive starts playing. hmmm.

But in all seriousness, I needed a dose of Chicago. Even though it brought me back to the same mindset that I was in when I was living there, it also energized and put my focus back to where it should be. It kinda felt like the Cheers song, ♫ Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name ♫


Got my design fix with my design friends. Had some feel good fun times with the people I grew up with. Got to rub my habebe Jethro's belly. And of course, my much needed time with my neph Luca, who might or might not be an emo rocker when h grows up.


Lastly, I feel devastated for Japan. I'm going through my photos and found this pic, it reminded me of their flag. This is my homage to the Japanese. Konichiwa.


Shaka much - Juju


  1. that top set should be your banner!

    my turn to go back to chicago. im pretty apprehensive about it. let's hope i don't get bored.

  2. ooh thats a thought to consider. I've been pondering what wallpaper I should use for my brand spanking new work desktop. That might work across the top.
